Fairfax, VA (February 26, 2021) — ENODO Global analyzed online discussions associated with suicides at MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, MCAS Miramar, and Camp Pendleton that occurred over the past 24 months.
Continuing our work to find a solution for Veteran Suicides, and building upon our previous analysis of Shaw AFB, ENODO examined recent suicides at West Coast Marine Corps bases. Findings from the report support previous recommendations to:
- Create proactive communications and engagement strategies
- Design tailored suicide prevention initiatives for each location and target group (e.g., high-risk individuals, females, young recruits)
- Partner with social media influencers to broadly disseminate suicide prevention resources (e.g., @NotInMyMarines)
To read the entire report click here.
About ENODO Global
ENODO Global is a Social Risk advisory firm that combines advanced data analytics, social media exploitation, and a population-centric methodology to deliver real-time awareness and predictive analysis that enables clients to manage their risk exposure, increase profitability, and safeguard their brand.
Contact: info@enodoglobal.com | (USA) +1-571-403-9636