Fairfax, VA (February 27, 2024) — ENODO Global’s President will host a panel discussion titled, “Israeli aggression against Palestine: A round of war or an end of a conflict,” at the 5th annual Al-Rafidain Center for Dialogue (RCD) Forum in Baghdad, Iraq from March 3-5.
The RCD Forum is designed to identify potential solutions for the political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental challenges that pose a serious threat to humanity. The conference is held under extreme social transformations that are exacerbated by local, regional, and international crises. During this period, governments’ face unprecedented challenges that threaten their security, sovereignty, and futures.
“The purpose of the panel discussion is to prevent representatives from operating under “Western” perspectives that share little consistency with others they are seeking to influence,” stated ENODO’s President, James Sisco.
In the panel Discussion, Sisco explains how ENODO Global’s population-centric methodology can be used to create an enduring solution to the current Israel Palestine conflict, based on the following principals:
- A settlement to the current conflict will not be reached by negotiations in Oslo or Qatar: They will only further existing animosity and underlying social tensions that exist between Israelis and Palestinians. An enduring solution can only be achieved through the eyes of the population.
- Contemporary politics are rooted in a population’s ontology, play upon individuals’ identities, reveal rational behavior, establish frames of discourse to achieve consensus, and rely on social structures to animate individuals to collective behavior.
- For negotiations to achieve enduring solutions they must understand the complex social dynamics that exist within populations, communities, groups, and individuals. These indicators provide decision makers with the ability to develop solutions that can shape and influence the population – the center of gravity in contemporary conflict – toward different outcomes.
- Current Negotiation strategies focus on political, military, economic, and social factors to inform and guide decisions. They are introduced by representatives that have little or no understanding of the socio-cultural dynamics that drive instability and conflict.
About ENODO Global
ENODO Global is a Social Risk advisory firm that combines advanced data analytics, social media exploitation, and a population-centric methodology to deliver real-time awareness and predictive analysis that enables clients to manage their risk exposure, increase profitability, and safeguard their brand.
Contact: info@enodoglobal.com | (USA) +1-571-218-0956