Jim Sisco, President of ENODO Global, wrote “Here’s the last Syrian Option we have left” in ForeignPolicy.com today.
“The Syrian civil war is over. Free Syrian Army (FSA) units have been decimated, and the will of the Syrian people is broken. Yet, the Obama administration has called again for another review of the Syrian strategy. Why should one believe the outcome of this review will be different from any of the previous reviews? The same individuals and organizations will present variations of the same opinions and data, with the result being the same — train and equip moderate Free Syrian Army units and personnel to fight Assad’s forces, al-Nusra and ISIS. This strategy has failed from the beginning and will continue to fail because the administration has been unable to understand the cultural nuances within the environment, identify moderate forces operating within liberated territories across Syria, and deliver resources in any measurable way.”
Read the full article: http://foreignpolicy.com/2014/12/04/heres-the-last-syrian-option-we-have-left